Megasys – 2022 Reflection

2022 celebrated another successful year of Omega customer base growth. This past year we continued to add new features and enhancements to improve the Omega Loan Management System experience. The most notable major enhancements are expected for release early this year!

Notable features released in 2022:

  • OmegaScan – Allows users to scan documents directly into Omega from any PC.
  • Customer Portal Paperless Feature – Self-service option added for customers to turn on paperless option within their portal including various new controls within Omega.

Sneak preview on major feature releases coming soon!

  • OmegaAnalytics (beta released) – provides a user-friendly graphical interface to your Omega data to quickly create your own reports, charts, graphs and dashboards using real-time data from your Omega system.
  • OmegaSign (beta released) – works directly within your Omega Originations and Servicing systems to provide an out of the box eSignature and document vaulting solution.
  • Omega Application Portal (beta released)– provides an application portal for your customers to submit applications. Submitted applications will flow directly into Omega Originations for underwriting.
  • Recovery Database Network (RDN) integration (beta released) – allows users to create an RDN case within Omega View Account and the information will automatically create a case in RDN.
  • Omega Sub Accounts (beta released) – add and track other amounts owed by a customer within an existing account that does not affect the contractual balance of the account and does not incur interest. A later second phase will include other balance insurance functionality.
  • Paymentus integration (beta released) – offers Omega clients the ability to accept ACH, credit card, or debit card payments directly within Omega Servicing and the customer portal environment.
  • Repay integration – offers Omega clients the ability to accept ACH, credit card, or debit card payments directly within Omega Servicing and the customer portal environment. A second phase will allow users to instantly fund ACH payment requests for customers, vendors and dealers.

Megasys would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our current customers and welcome our newest Omega customers that have helped shape our year.

We look forward to hosting our MegaBash celebration event in Long Beach, CA September 6-7, 2023. Save the Date!

If you are interested in learning more about the Omega Loan Management System, please contact us at 800-927-4490 or

We’d love to hear from you!


Happy New Year!


New Integrated Scan Feature


Scan documents directly into the Omega Loan Management System from any PC!

OmegaScan Integration powered by Dynamic Web TWAIN

Scan documents from any PC with your provided scanner and upload the file directly within Omega Originations application entry, Omega Servicing new account entry and view account.
Scanning functionality is supported for TWAIN complaint devices using any mainstream browser (Chrome, Firefox, and Safari) on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
For current Omega subscribers, OmegaScan is a self-service feature. For pricing and activation, simply go to the Omega main menu, Setups -> Optional Features.

Get Started Today!

If you are interested to learn more about Omega, please contact the Megasys sales department at 800-927-4490 or email

CFSA 2022 Conference

Thank you for making the California Financial Services Association 2022 conference a success! 

We appreciated the valuable time spent with lenders and associate vendors at the beautiful La Costa Resort.

Congratulations to Cecilia Martinez of Sierra Credit for winning the bottle of Clase Azul Reposado Tequila!

Please contact us If you would like to further discuss the great benefits the Omega Loan Management System can provide your company.
We’d love to hear from you!

Megasys Sales Department
(800) 927-4490

Women in Auto Finance Journal features Maite Vega, COO – Megasys!

Please join Megasys in congratulating Maite Vega for being selected for the 2022 class of “Women in Auto Finance”. Maite was featured in the August 2022 edition of the Auto Finance Journal, spotlighting women leaders in the Auto Finance industry.

Maite has been an exemplary leader at Megasys. Her collaborative style of managing provides her colleagues with a shared sense of purpose. Maite’s knowledge of the Auto Finance Industry is an invaluable asset as Megasys continues to introduce new features and functionality within the Omega Loan Management System, helping lenders succeed and remain a competitive force in the industry.

Check it out: Auto Finance Journal – August 2022

To schedule your FREE Omega demo, contact:

Megasys Sales Department
(800) 927-4490

New Customer Portal Paperless Feature

Go Paperless!

Save time and money on postage and mailing

The Customer Portal provides your customers with a personalized self-service option and helps reduce customer service calls. Your customers can view their account information and payment history. They can also complete payment transactions, submit messages, upload documents and view documents, including billing statements that you make available to them through your Omega system.

New Paperless features Added:
  • Ability in the Customer Portal for your customers to turn on paperless documents and not receive paper mail.
  • New control within Omega Documents > Form Manager to allow the system to still create paper statements/documents for paperless Omega Customer Portal users or completely stop paper copies based on each document template’s setup in the Form Manager.

Sign Up Today!

If you are interested to get signed up for the Customer Portal or learn more about the Omega Loan Management System, please contact the Megasys sales department at 800-927-4490 or email

Megasys Makes the Top SubPrime175!

Megasys is thrilled to be selected as a top leader in the auto finance industry for the 9th consecutive year!

Megasys is the leading provider of complete loan servicing systems for the consumer finance industry. Omega is a complete financial loan management system. Our fully-integrated GL and AP systems, task manager workflow, self-service customer portal, customizable report generators, and secure document storage system are just a few included features.

Check out our listing:



To schedule your FREE Omega demo, contact:
Megasys Sales Department
(800) 927-4490

Megasys – 2021 Reflection

2021 celebrated another successful year of Omega customer base growth. We announced new partner integrations, added new features, and implemented key enhancements to improve the Omega System experience.

The most notable features included:

  • New Feature – Outbound ACH payments from Omega: Currently in beta release and supported with ExpiTrans. Other providers will be added soon.
  • Added a new security feature—Two-factor Authentication.
  • New Feature – send via SFTP or FTPS from Omega to a third party, remote server.
  • New Feature – Automated scheduler for the ability to automate job stream and dayend processes.
  • New Feature – Mass Refund Credit Balance.
  • Added capability for customers to unsubscribe from emails in accordance with Regulation F.

Megasys celebrated 40 years of success in the consumer finance industry at MegaBash. Our hosted celebration in September was a huge success. We had a record turnout of associate partners and customers which was an integral part of our growth through user participation and great system feedback. As a result of customer feedback, we will be incorporating several new enhancements in Omega for further ease of use.

Megasys would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our current customers and welcome our newest Omega customers that have helped shape our year. Due to our continued growth, we have expanded our development department. We are thrilled to have several new employees join the Megasys family.

Megasys has many great things planned this year. We will continue Omega system client growth with several exciting new features and partnerships opportunities planned.

If you are interested in learning more about the Omega Loan Management System, please contact us at 800-927-4490 or


We’d love to hear from you!

Happy New Year!


MegaBash – 40 Year Anniversary Celebration

Thank you to our customers and sponsors for coming to MegaBash!
The MegaBash event was a success due to the outstanding support from customers and associate sponsors.
Several new Omega features were announced along with a preview of upcoming roadmap projects. Features in progress will be announced as they become available. The most notable newly released features are the credit bureau inquiry for collections, payment processing features, new communication features, new reporting options, and a suite of new functions to make your business run smoother.
Thanks to customer participation during our question-and-answer session, we received several feature suggestions, which will be considered/scheduled for future release. More details on those features will follow in a later announcement. All responses to questions and suggestions received during the event will be posted to an online area and clients will be notified via a system announcement.
Below is a recap on new Omega features discussed at the event:
Credit Bureau inquiry for collections offered through the Credco integration:
This feature provides the ability for a separate credit inquiry pull for existing customers for collection purposes.
  • Credco will provide you/Megasys with separate credentials for collection inquiry pulls.
  • Megasys can setup the credentials on your system.
  • Pull credit bureaus from within View Account > Customer Tab.
  • New Credit Score fields for manual, automated import of Credco scores or via new API.
Please contact Credco directly to inquire and sign up. Credco contact information is located in the help center.
Payment Processing New features:
  • Expitrans is our newest integrated payment provider for customer payments which features outbound ACH payments for vendors and customers. An official announcement on this feature will be coming soon!
  • If you are using Expitrans within the Omega Customer Portal, there is a no login feature your customers can access to process payments.
  • The ability to Reverse Automatic Payments via File is now supported.
New email and text features to keep the lines of communication open:
  • Solutions By Text Auto Opt-in option – This allows your users to automatically opt-in mobile numbers without needing to verbally verify by pin with the customer.
  • Email Templates – You can now configure standard company email templates using your own compliant wording (Email feature must be turned on) or allow free form e-mail.
Suite of New Functions to increase operations efficiency:
  • Customer Portal – Now a Base Feature at no additional cost. We now have 8600+Registered Customers!
  • Scheduler for Day-End and Job Streams – Unattended running of these functions.
  • Acroforms format for Omega document templates – You can create your own documents using modern PDF creation software such as NitroPDF (recommended), Foxit and Adobe Acrobat DC Pro.
  • View Account >Notes tab is configurable to show textbox for writing notes or not.
  • Mass Refund Credit Balance – Finds accounts with credit balances and closes them out by creating a voucher to refund the money to the customer.
Upcoming Integrations planned for 2021-2022:
  • DocuSign.
  • Repay – Inbound payments and electronic disbursements.
  • Paymentus – Inbound payments and electronic disbursements.
  • CryptoSign by Crypton Mobile.
  • Recovery Database Network (RDN).
Upcoming Omega base system functionality:
  • Bulk Import Screen – User-friendly front-end UI screen to load bulk aged accounts (API for Single Aged already available).
  • Sub Accounts / Side Notes:
  • Supports “other balance” insurance, sales tax handling (TX) or miscellaneous charges without assessing interest on them.
  • Each sub account has own term, balance, and payment amount.
  • Payments apply to sub account periodic amount due, then waterfall.

Newly Released – Automated Dayends!

Automated Dayends is Now Available!

The automated dayend Omega base system feature is now available within the Scheduler Maintenance program.
Scheduler Maintenance Features:

  • Choose your frequency and time to automatically run your dayend process. Before or after job stream processes will automatically run as usual with the dayend when setup with the Scheduler.
  • View current activity for selected schedules
  • View recent history for selected schedules
  • Shows all processes for active schedules
Please visit the Omega Help center for instructions on how to setup your Job streams and dayend process on an automated schedule!
Please contact Megasys Support at or 714-952-9554 if you have any questions.

MegaBash Speaker Announcement – Register Now!

MegaBash Speaker Announcement

Glen Schnablegger Presents: How to Turn Difficult Conversations into Powerful Communication.
Glen will discuss the four steps to turning every conversation into a positive, productive, powerful communication.  Learn easy-to-follow steps and avoid the common pitfalls that prevent you from achieving your preferred outcome.
More about Glen Schnablegger:
Glen Schnablegger is the founder of Megasys and was CEO for 25 years. After graduating with degrees in Accounting and Computer Science, Glen spent 5 years in public accounting and became a licensed CPA in California. During that time, Glen started his first software company called Automated Information Management which he sold to start Megasys.
Glen also cofounded Reliant Financial Corporation, now known as Gold Acceptance and GA Brands, LLC which operates a chain of eyelash extension salons in Orange County. Glen is currently the COO of Integrative Physiatry which provides services to Skilled Nursing Facilities across the country. Glen is married to Cristine and has four grown sons and a 15 year-old daughter.
Join us in Newport Beach, CA, September 15-16, 2021, at MegaBash, a 2-day event that includes a guest speaker, valuable leadership sessions, and networking activities, including a spectacular 3-hour sunset cruise aboard the exquisite ICON Yacht.
Megasys has partnered with the hotel to provide discounted room rates. There are a limited number of discounted rooms blocked so please make your hotel reservations early!

Megasys: Exciting News & MegaBash Reminder!

April 1 Marked 40 Years!

Thank you to our customers and associate vendors for being part of what is now 40 years of Megasys history!
We are pleased to announce that John Fuhrer and Maite Vega are now partners in Megasys! John and Maite have played key roles in the success and culture of Megasys. We are thankful for their leadership and look forward to the future for continued growth and success.
Megasys looks forward to celebrating with you at MegaBash!
Join us in Newport Beach, CA, September 15-16, 2021, at MegaBash, a 2-day event that includes a guest speaker, valuable leadership sessions, and networking activities, including a spectacular 3-hour sunset cruise aboard the exquisite ICON Yacht.
Megasys has partnered with the hotel to provide discounted room rates. There are a limited number of discounted rooms blocked so please make your hotel reservations early!

Illinois Rule Announcement

Dear customers,
As you may have been informed, Illinois governor Pritzker has signed SB1792, the Predatory Loan Prevention Act. The Predatory Loan Prevention Act goes into effect immediately.
Megasys has been closely monitoring the progression of SB 1792 and has already begun implementing calculation changes in order to help our clients and stay in compliance. We are also aware of the requirement to report all loans/contracts to the State of Illinois by way of Veritec. We are in close communication with this agency, and were advised that they would let us know once they implemented the needed changes on their end for the reporting of the accounts.
Megasys has maintained regular communication with industry professionals and trade associations to ensure we are assisting our clients to implement these necessary updates. Megasys has extensive knowledge and experience with the Military Lending Act and the associated computational requirements.
We will soon be releasing modifications to your FA system / Omega System and will reach out to Illinois customers to begin consulting with and implementing updates soon.  If your company does not reside in the state of Illinois but is doing business in this state, please contact Megasys support so we can assist you with these forthcoming changes.
Please contact Megasys Support at 714-952-9554 or if you have any questions.

New Automated Schedule Feature!

The new Omega base system feature automates manual Job Stream processes!
Schedule Maintenance Features:
  • Choose your frequency and time to automatically run up to 5 manual job stream processes
  • View current activity for selected schedules
  • View recent history for selected schedules
  • Shows all processes for active schedules
Watch for news coming soon of our next step-the ability to automate your dayends. The dayend portion of this feature is available for beta testing before full release.
Questions? Please contact Megasys Support at or 714-952-9554. If you would like to be considered as a beta tester for the auto dayend feature please email Megasys Installations at

2020 Reflection

Early on in 2020 we all faced an incredible challenge, COVID-19.  There was a lot of uncertainty about how we would manage through these unprecedented times. Despite those challenges we exceeded our expectations as a company and with Omega customer base growth. We are proud of what we accomplished this year, particularly in expanding our offering with new features and enhancements.

The most notable additions included:

  • Customer Portal enhancements along with  including this major feature with the base system
  • a new partnership with ExpiTrans for electronic payment processing
  • upgrading the document creation program to work with any modern PDF creator
  • several new features and enhancements added to existing integrated partner offerings
  • new credit reporting options for COVID-19 affected accounts

Megasys has many great things planned for 2021. We will continue Omega system client growth with several exciting new features and partnership opportunities planned. Megasys will be celebrating its 40th anniversary and looks forward to hosting the Mega Bash celebration as our thank you to our customers and partners for their continued support.

If you are interested in learning more about the Omega Loan Management System, please contact us at 800-927-4490 or

We’d love to hear from you!

Happy New Year!

Omega Customer Portal is now included with base system!

We are excited to announce the Omega Customer Portal is now included with the base system!   
The Customer Portal provides your customers with a personalized self-service option and helps reduce customer service calls. Your customers can view their account information including payment history, complete payment transactions, submit messages and upload and/or view documents, including billing statements and other documents that you make available to them through your Omega system.

Several new features have been added to help you better manage, and allow your customers to self-service their accounts!   

New self-service features:
  • PayNow feature – allows your customers to make a onetime immediate payment without needing to log into the portal (for ExpiTrans users only, at this time).
  • New Profile features – new options for your customers to add new or edit existing phone numbers in the portal.
  • Notify Me options for your customers to select their preferred notification method(s) (email, text, or both) when a new document is available for them in the portal.
New Omega controls and features:
  • New setting in Omega to manage your customers’ ability to edit or add new phone number(s) in the portal’s User Profile.
  • New payment amount settings to better control your customers’ pay options in the portal.
  • New task management controls to receive customer notifications from the portal.
  • Text-to-Pay – You can direct your customers to the portal via Omega Text-to-Pay. In your text template, you’ll need to include your portal URL. If you are a ExpiTrans subscriber, you can use a direct link to pay using the Omega Text-to-Pay via Pay Now URL (Other providers will be added at a future time).*
*texting within Omega requires an agreement with our integrated partner, Solutions by Text.
Contact Us Today
(800) 927-4490

Megasys Partners with ExpiTrans for Customer, Dealer, and Vendor Payments

Megasys is excited to announce a new partnership with ExpiTrans. ExpiTrans offers Omega Loan Servicing system clients the ability to accept ACH, credit card or debit card payments directly within the Omega system and online Omega Customer Portal environment.  A later second phase of the integration will allow lenders to submit ACH payment requests to vendors and dealers.

The Omega and ExpiTrans integration is scheduled for release August 2020.

About ExpiTrans:
ExpiTrans’ team has over 50 years of combined experience customizing and adapting payment platforms and is a single source provider of end to end payment processing and merchant services.  ExpiTrans stays fully immersed in the complexities of electronic payments to be able to deliver a platform that offers the convenience and flexibility that merchants and consumers demand, while offering electronic payment solutions with the highest level of efficiency

Get Signed Up Today!

  • There is NO Megasys setup or recurring costs

*A separate fee agreement is required with ExpiTrans and your fees will be paid directly to them.

Aaron McAfee – Senior Vice President, Sales
(435) 705-4732|

Diana Moreau – Sales Manager
(800) 927-4490 |


COVID-19 Megasys Announcement

Like you, we continue to deal with the rapidly changing ramifications of the Coronavirus outbreak.  Please know Megasys is open for business and will continue to provide all services.

Please note the following changes:

  • Most of our employees are working remotely through a secured connection. A small group will remain at our Orange, CA office.
  • Our existing contact methods remain in place. (phone and email). We will route you to the correct department or employee.
  • We have cancelled or postponed all travel and all office visits until social distancing rules are lifted.

We will continue to provide updates as the current situation evolves.

Thank you,


Megasys Announces the Promotion of Maite Vega & John Fuhrer!

We are thrilled to announce the promotion of Maite Vega to Chief Operating Officer and John Fuhrer to Chief Technology Officer of Megasys.

Maite originally joined Megasys in 1995 as a Support Technician. In 2000, she took a leave to raise a family. Maite returned in 2008 as a Technical Trainer and was later promoted to Installations Manager, where she oversaw all facets of the implementation department.  As Maite’s vast knowledge of the industry grew she contributed her ideas, automating system implementations and increasing overall customer satisfaction, elevating her to Vice President of Installations.  In her new role, as COO, Maite brings a wealth of leadership, management, and vision to drive Megasys’ future direction and continuing growth.

John Fuhrer has been with Megasys since 1999. Starting as a Support Technician, John quickly advanced to the development department. Driven to learn leading-edge programming technologies, John excelled as Lead Developer. A decade later, he was promoted to Chief Software Architect, managing the development team and overseeing all phases of design and development. In his new role, John’s passion for software development will drive the functionality and usability of our products and services.

Please join us in congratulating Maite and John!